Tom Smith, owner and broker of Tom Smith Land and Homes, is looking forward to the Mississippi Ag & Outdoor Expo, because the Aug. 5-7 dates are just about the time that Mississippi outdoorsmen start looking for good hunting properties every year.
“We notice that the first (outdoor) shows, the ones leading up to Labor Day, seem kick-start everything. It’s a good time for people to start looking for land again.”
Smith expects a great crowd for the show; he said he had a good show at the Mississippi Ag & Outdoor Expo held last February on the state fairgrounds in Jackson. His definition of success isn’t necessarily selling land from his company’s booth, but meeting potential customers and starting the process to match them with properties that meet their needs and dreams.
“These shows can put us in front of a lot of potential customers as well as give us an opportunity to showcase our current clients’ properties and get them into the hands of as many potential buyers as possible. Our primary objective at the (upcoming) show will be to meet people face-to-face and show what our presence is across the state. We get to meet people from all over.
“We really look forward to these (Expo) shows.”
The Mississippi Ag & Outdoor Expo is hosted by The Foundation for Mississippi Wildlife, Fisheries & Parks and presented by Southern AgCredit.
Show hours are noon to 8 p.m. on Friday, Aug. 5, 10 a.m.-8 p.m. on Saturday, Aug. 6, and 10 a.m.-5 p.m. on Sunday, Aug. 7.